UC Davis Stable Isotope Facility - Sample Weight Calculator

Input values for your sample material (see list below for examples) Enter values here
percent nitrogen (%N) %
percent carbon (%C) %

Acceptable range of sample weights Smallest sample weight (mg) Your optimal sample weight (mg) Largest sample weight (mg) Your optimal sample contains:
For 15N analysis 1.00 5.00 7.50 100µg N;
2000µg C
For 13C analysis 0.50 1.25 5.00 500µg C
For dual isotope analysis (15N + 13C)* 1.00 4.00 5.00 80µg N;
1600µg C
C:N of your sample* = 20.0

*13C and 15N can be measured on a single sample only if the C:N value is less than 100

Examples of %N and %C of sample materials:

Sample Material %N %C
Plant - leaves 2-3% 42-50%
Plant - roots 0.8-1.3% 36-40%
Plant - stems 0.4-0.8% 46-48%
Plant - wood 0.02-0.06% 40-44%
Plant - grain flour (wheat, rye, rice) 1.5-3.5% 43-47%
Plant - grass, alfalfa 2.5-5% 45-47%
Soil - low OM 0.1-0.15% 0.8-1.2%
Soil - medium OM 0.2-0.3% 2.5-3.5%
Soil - high OM 0.3-1.0% 10-14%
Sediment - bulk 0.05-0.15% 0.5-1.5%
Animal, Fish, Invertebrate tissue 10% 40%
Human Hair 14% 47%